Class descriptions

Yoga for health and wellbeing with Katariina is about balanced yoga practice. Alignment and allongation of the body, massaging body from inside with your own breath, energy-work… During a yoga class we work whole the body using different asana, which is the Sanskrit word for posture,  pranayama, i.e breathing exercices and centering with silence and relaxation.

Saturday Morning Yoga – Shala Yoga Brussels, Rue Alphonse Renard 55, 1050 Ixelles, from 10.00hrs till 12.00hrs

Saturday Morning Yoga is about body-enhancing and mind-relaxing hatha yoga, a great way to begin your weekend. Class consists of 90 minutes of physical practice (asana & pranayama) and a session of meditation. You can come for whole the practice (120min), or join for the asana & pranayama (90min), or just the meditation. If you wish to join only the meditation, please do not ring the bell before 11.30.

Private Classes and Yoga in your office in and around Brussels.

omastudioPrivate classes and yoga at your office are excellent for people who for example cannot fit regular classes into their schedules. Or for people having special needs (pregnant women, elderly people or people with reduced mobility), or people who just wish to have that privacy and/or all the attention of teacher to themselves. Private classes are a good way to start practicing yoga or re-take yoga for example after injury. Later on, student can choose to follow the group classes.

Available on demand, so do not hesitate to contact me for more information and fees.